Tugas 2. Rangkuman Materi Sistem Bilangan
Tujuan Topik Bahasan
- Mengulas kembali sistem bilangan desimal.
- Menghitung dalam bentuk bilangan biner.
- Memindahkan dari bentuk bilangan desimal ke biner dan dalam biner ke dalam desimal.
- Penggunaan operasi aritmatika pada bilangan biner.
- Menentukan komplemen 1 dan 2 dari sebuah bilangan biner.
- Dan lain – lainnya……..
- Sistem Biner dan Kode – kode digital merupakan dasar untuk komputer dan elektronika digital secara umum.
- Sistem bilangan biner seperti desimal, hexadesimal dan oktal juga dibahas pada bagian ini.
- Operasi aritmatika dengan bilangan biner akan dibahas untuk memberikan dasar pengertian bagaimana komputer dan jenis – jenis perangkat digital lain bekerja.
Sistem Bilangan
- Desimal -> 0 ~ 9
- Biner ->0 ~ 1
- Oktal -> 0 ~ 7
- Hexadesimal -> 0 ~ F
Bilangan Desimal
Dalam setiap bilangan desimal terdiri dari 10 digit, 0 sampai dengan 9
Contoh: Ungkapkan bilangan desimal 2745.214 sebagai penjumlahan nilai setiap digit.
Bilangan Biner
- Sistem Bilangan biner merupakan cara lain untuk melambangkan kuantitas, dimana 1 (HIGH) dan 0 (LOW).
- Sistem bilangan biner mempunyai nilai basis 2 dengan nilai setiap posisi dibagi dengan faktor 2:
Contoh : Konversikan seluruh bilangan biner 1101101 ke desimal
Aplikasi Digital
Ilustrasi sebuah penggunaan hitungan biner sederhana.
Konversi Desimal ke Biner
- Metode Sum-of-Weight.
- Pengulangan pembagian dengan Metode bilangan 2.
- Konversi fraksi desimal ke biner.
Binary Arithmetic
- Binary arithmetic is essential in all digital computers and in many other types of digital systems.
- Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division
1’s and 2’s Complements of Binary Numbers
- The 1’s and 2’s Complements of Binary Numbers are very important because they permit the representation of negative numbers.
- The method of 2’s compliment arithmetic is commonly used in computers to handle negative numbers
Signed Numbers
Digital systems, such as the computer, must be able to handle both positive and negative numbers. A signed binary number consists of both sign and magnitude information. The sign indicates whether a number is positive or negative and the magnitude is the value of the number. There three forms in which signed integer (whole) numbers can be represented in binary:
- Sign-Magnitude
- 1’s Complement
- 2’s Complement
Express the decimal number -39 in sign-magnitude, 1’s complement and 2’s complement
Arithmetic Operations with Signed Number
In this section we will learn how signed numbers are added, subtracted, multiplied and divided. Thissection will cover only on the 2’s complement arithmetic, because, it widely used in computers and microprocessor-based system .
Hexadecimal Numbers
- Most digital systems deal with groups of bits in even powers of 2 such as 8, 16, 32, and 64 bits.
- Hexadecimal uses groups of 4 bits.
- Base 16 16 possible symbols 0-9 and A-F
- Allows for convenient handling of long binary strings.
- Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) is another way to present decimal numbers in binary form.
- BCD is widely used and combines features of both decimal and binary systems.
- Each digit is converted to a binary equivalent.
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